LIKO HandyTube 助移布

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瑞典製造 簡易版: 70厘米 x 90 厘米 加長版: 185厘米 x 90 厘米 加闊版: 140厘米 x 140 厘米 ✓ 輕易抽出及放置易移布 ✓ 減低病患者被移動時所承受的磨擦和剪力,預防壓傷形成 ✓ 減低照顧者受傷的風險 - 採用聚酰胺(Polyamide)超滑質料有效助移 - 嶄新滾筒式設計 - 堅韌耐用, 防水透氣 - 可高溫清洗, 乾淨衛生 - 符合國際安全認證



Made in Sweden

Short Size: 70cm x 90cm

Long Size: 185cm x 90cm

Wide Size: 140cm x 140cm

HandyTube™ facilitates shorter transfers in bed or between two beds by reducing the friction between the patient and the underlying surface.

They can be used both for patients with average weight and bariatric patients and are manufactured in a high-quality, low-friction fabric, which keeps its good sliding capabilities even after a long period of use.

HandyTube is available in different models, with different application areas.

  • The Short model is primarily used to move a patient higher up in the bed.
  • The Long size is used to turn a patient in the bed, or for transfers between two beds.
  • size Wide can be used to turn or move the patient in the bed. It can also be used for transferring between two beds, which should always be performed by two caregivers.


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